Malaysia Airlines Baggage Tracking & Claim Status Online

Malaysia Airlines Baggage Tracking Instructions:

1. Click Here to go toMalaysia Airlines Lost baggage tracking page. you will see form like below

Malaysia Airlines baggage tracking

2. Enter your 10-character file reference number Ex. KIMSX50403 in first column

3. Enter you last name e.g david in second column and click submit button

4. Please ensure your name, address, flight information and bag type details are correct.

5. You will get information about your Malaysia Airlines delayed bag, lost or missing luggage …

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1 thought on “Malaysia Airlines Baggage Tracking & Claim Status Online

  1. I checked my baggage in on Flt MH789 from Bangkok (BKK) to KUL on January 17,2019.
    AA Record Locator OJFBNV BAGTAG Number 0232779279. I flew from KUL to HKG on MH78, and was supposed to take flight AA192 destined to LAX on January 18, at 7.55 PM. However the American Airlines Flight was delayed till the following day January 19 at 10.55 AM. When i tried to collect my luggage and leave the airport my baggage had not reached Hong Kong on Flt MH 78. I obviously still do not have my baggage, and would appreciate if you could track where exactly it is, and let me know asap.

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